Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sthira vs. Sukha

Ananta, the king of the Nāgas
As the teacher training get a little bit more in depth and much more demanding. I would like to present some fact I have learnt here as well. So the reader can take something out of here, despite any original intention you have had at the beginning of reading this.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Teacher Training Standards

Gail, in her sharing spirit, was willing to host us in her apartment (which is right around the corner of the West Town yoga studio) for the duration of our whole training. I love her place. It is spacious, has very light energy flowing through it, and it instantly felt like instead of doing training at yoga studio just stretching at home (ok, maybe more than just a stretching).

Monday, July 22, 2013

Brahman’s Family and the Philosophy behind Yoga

I didn’t know what to expect. How is this going to work? I came to the Lincoln Park yoga studio early and get to talk to Alyson beforehand. She always makes me feel like she listens; therefore cares, and it creates very welcoming atmosphere. I learned that we wills start with mixed level class together with people who just came for yoga class.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Teacher Training - The Beginning

It’s coming up; my yoga teachers training starts within a week. I already went through all of those stages of excitement, panic, and annoyance with it. If you are reading this, because you are thinking about sinking deep in yoga and leaping the last step into the training, I guarantee you that you feel all of those feelings as well - sometime all of them together.